Monday, April 16, 2007

It Takes a (Cyber) Village

The biggest blessing of my career is without a doubt the people I've met along the way. And I'm telling you, I can't imagine how I'd have planned this trip around the world without them!

People like Carey in Australia and Debbie in New Zealand - neither of whom I've even ever MET but I've KNOWN forever - have been incredible resources for me, answering all of my ridiculous questions about their homeland and never once laughing (out loud) at me. Tammie, whom I met at Fan Fair, just went to NZ and shared all of her wisdom and photos so I feel like I went right along with her. I can't even remember when, or how, I met Sandi (although I'm sure either Garth or Trisha were involved) but I'd have been lost without her support, and you all can thank her for lending me a gigantic memory card for my camera so I can bring you back lots of pictures and video! Paula, Moni and everyone else who has sent nice notes and interesting NZ links - I appreciate you all so much, even if I haven't had a spare minute to properly show it lately!

So I'm off! Headed to the airport shortly, loaded down with Country Weekly magazines and a whole lot of prayers. I'm leaving behind a completely crazy list of instructions for my husband and daily letters to my daughter.

I won't be back here until I'm back in the States (unless, of course, I happen to run into Shania when I'm at Lake Wanaka) but please check in on things over at my other blog - I will update it as I'm able!

Hugs & Heartpats -


Anonymous said...

Yeay! I know you're going to have a fantastic time, and your parents must be beyond excited! :D

Anonymous said...

I hope you will have a great trip!!!