Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Orange Carpet Exeperience

It was my first time on the orange carpet at the ACM's. It was a very HOT experience. I really felt for the guys that have to wear those suits! At least us chicks in the strapless dresses had it a little easier.

My favorite interview, no surprise to my friends, was Van Zant. Love them. Johnny's wife told me they love XM, they hear the new single "That Scares Me" on Highway 16 all the time. Johnny told me the first time they heard the single on the radio was on XM... his wife was listening to the Highway 16 feed on DirecTV and screamed "Johnny - your song is on the radio!"

Jamie O'Neal also showed some XM love. She said when she was over on a USO tour her manager was texting her everytime Highway 16 played "God Don't Make Mistakes." She said she was getting lots of text messages!

Shania is still tiny... Tim and Faith came through late... John Anderson did the carpet, he was cool... Sara Evans only posed for photos - no interviews... Taylor Swift looked STUNNING but said she couldn't breathe in her dress. I have a photo of it...stand by.

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