Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Passing the Time

Things I could be doing with a week at home sick:

Finishing / filing my income taxes
Planning how to re-arrange my kitchen after I get my new floor next week
Updating my resume
Dreaming of how I could have spent that nice fat bonus check I didn't get
Sharpening the pins on my voodoo doll
Catching up on the ABC soaps I haven't watched in 15 years (Luke & Laura are still married, right? That's all I need to know.)
Organizing photos for Delaynie's TN scrapbook project
Unscheduling my new kitchen floor installation since I didn't get a raise to pay for it.
Polishing the voodoo doll pins
Find a new doctor
Cleaning off my desk
Defragmenting my computers
Recruiting someone from Africa to visit my blog so I'll have red dots on all inhabited continents
Fill out expense report from CRS

Things I have done with my week at home sick:



Anonymous said...

You sold cookies! :D

Anonymous said...

Cookies? Did someone say cookies? I haven't been contacted by any girl scouts yet this year, except for those selling them at stores. I didn't buy any because usually a friend or co-worker's daughter sells them and I buy from them. I love the Samoas...I could sit down and eat the whole box.

Hope you're feeling better...a week is a long time to feel lousy.


Anonymous said...

I can add you to my order, if it hasn't been placed yet! Or depending on how many boxes you need, I may be able to send one your way. ;-)

Producer J. said...

Miss Delaynie is currently accepting Girl Scout orders from the 48 contiguous United States....

Anonymous said...

Which baker does Delaynie's troop use? I definitely want Samoas/Caramel Delites, and depending on what company they use, I might want to order another type. I could get them when I'm there in June. :)


Pam said...

Oh my gosh if I never see another Girl Scout cookie........ LOL I was the Cookie Mom this year and THANK GOD that cookie sales are over here.

Hope you get to feeling better soon !!!!!!

Producer J. said...

There are different bakers???? You mean Girl Scout cookies aren't the same the world over?

Anonymous said...

There are two official bakers of Girl Scout cookies. I found that out a while back when I tried to order Samoas and found out they were called Caramel Delites by the baker supplying the girl scouts/brownies I ordered cookies from. I'm not sure if it's regional or choice by troop, but the two bakers are ABC Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers, explained here with links to the bakeries at the bottom - http://www.girlscouts.org/program/gs_cookies/. Each offers a different variety, although a couple are offered by both, but sometimes called by a different name.


Producer J. said...

How interesting! That's why my mom was looking for the lemon cookies.

This is what we have: http://www.littlebrowniebakers.com/cookies/cookies.html

Sharon said...

I'll place an order and pick them up in June. (email me where to send the check now though).

1 of each:
All Abouts
Thin Mints
Cafe Cookies

Think that should have our snack gravings covered while we're in the hotel in June. WHAT am I talking about - I don't plan on being IN the hotel long enough to get hungry!!! Not going to miss a minute of CMA Music Festival!

Anonymous said...

Yea, I can order Samoas again. For the last few years, it has been Caramel Delites and I swear the Samoas were better. I'll email you with my order. :-)


Producer J. said...

Y'all rock!

Anonymous said...

They're called Girl Guides here in Canada....they only have 3 different types of cookies. I don't know who the baker is*LOL*, but it's a pretty boring selection compared to your Girl Scouts.

Hope you are feeling better soon J.

Anonymous said...

"Pick them up in JUNE"??? LOL

Do y'all realize that's 3 months from now? OMG--only 3 months??? :o