Monday, December 15, 2008

If you got here by googling something like...

Nashville internships
Country music internships
radio internships
I want to intern with the coolest company in radio
Internship where I don't make coffee
Hanging out with the country stars internship
Sommet Center internships
Best internship in Music City
How can I intern with cool people?
Where can I apply for the most awesome internship in Nashville?

Then Click Here


Kendel said...

Dang, sorry you still can't find one. I totally would've waited to accept the offer from Major Bob if I would've known I had a really good chance of getting one with you. They wanted a final answer from me two days before you called me for an interview. I figured because I didn't meet a lot of the "preferred" items on the job description, I didn't really have a chance. Also, when you said you got 15 really good resumes, I figured I was screwed. :(

If I hear of anyone still needing an internship, I'll definitely send them your way. I wish I could do two internships at once.

Producer J. said...

Well I've got one, but I'm looking for a second. And you'll recall.. the 15 strong ones I got (of which, yours was one!) were for spring and summer... seems like it works better schedule wise for summer for most of them. We should be rockin' this summer.

I don't know who writes those job descriptions they post online... I guess they're just standard. I go over everything we're looking for in the interview, and it sure doesn't include a lot of the things on that list!

We got a later start in the interview process because of the merger, but I'd rather be an intern short than have promised someone an opportunity and wound up not being here to fufill the obligation. But I figured it didn't hurt to make one last call!

Kendel said...

Well, thanks for the info. I'll definitely keep all that in mind next semester!