Tuesday, December 09, 2008

THIS is the Worst Christmas Song Ever

Go to You Tube and search for Red Sovine's "Billy's Christmas Wish." Oh. My. God.

We're blaring bad Christmas music through the office this morning. I was very proud of my contribution -- Joey & Rory's Sleighbell Mix of "Cheater, Cheater" -- which had me laughing until I was crying.

But to lay your hands on a married man's about as low as you can go..
Hey I wish her well as she rots in hell
You can tell her I said so.
Cheater, cheater, where'd you meet that no good white trash
(Santa comes in) Ho, ho ho!

That above little gem was completely trumped by Kyle's Red Sovine contribution. Which actually plays on Roadhouse.

I shall await your reaction.


. said...

The only version I've found on youtube has been removed. Sad.

Kendel said...

This isn't a video but it's the song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2asrRn9QBE4

I thought this song by toby keith was terrible,but that one totally wins the prize. How could anyone let that get released. jeese.
oh and there's a commercial there sorry.

sandi said...

Toby shouldn't sing Christmas songs. :)

Main said...

Oh, I couldn't even listen to the end of the song. Congrats on finding the Worst Christmas Song Ever!

Jona said...

I haven't heard the Christmas version of "Cheater, cheater" but the song is one of the worst song I ever heard in the original version too.

As for the"Billy's Christmas wish" Thank you for ruining my Christmas Spirit... ;) How on earth can someone make a Christmas song like that???

Unknown said...

Totally agree about that being the worst X-mas song. I had never heard until now. Wish I hadn't LOL!

And even though I'm no Toby Keith fan, I actually kind of like that Christmas song.

DaveBrz said...

Haven't heard Billy's Christmas Wish before now its a typical Red Sovine song.

I may be in the minority but I do like Santa I'm Right Here by Toby - just something about the lyrics.