Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Comedian of the Year - Brad Paisley

Brad was the best winner in the press room tonight. I took a photo on my camera phone and sent it to Kim, my Brad Paisley obsessed (former) intern.

- Credits diversity in his songs with helping his career. "I'm proud that we'll do tear jerkers and follow it with a parasite."

- Jokes about his "young" tour mates playing the prank on him by dressing up as exterminators. Watch out Taylor, Jack and Kellie - Brad says you have no idea what you've gotten into.

- Fatherhood is influencing his song choices - listen for "Letter to Me" on the next album. (Awesome song, btw)

- The next cd has a couple of Kung Pao Buckaroos songs... George Jones was not available, so they got Vince Gill to fill in. Vince jokes that now he's turned 50 he's elligible.

By the way, Brad says he was VERY surprised to have won. "When I did win I walked over to George Strait and said "I do this because of you."

Brad was awesome.. very funny... tons of one liners, and even after he walked away from the microphone he addressed everyone and thanked us, saying he couldn't have done it without our support. Very cool.

As he was leaving, someone in the back yelled out "Brad, can I check you for ticks?" That... not so cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy him - I did not get a picture though, but I don't have picture messaging on my phone so that may be a problem...and that makes me sad : (

Kim, the Brad Paisley obsessed (former) intern - and college graduate (that never gets old!)