Tuesday, May 06, 2008


less than a month until Fan Fair...still between studios... papers never in the right place... What day is today?...bought a new drive for my laptop because the DVD worked and the CD didn't... used it for 4 days before I realized that yes, the CD works, but now the DVD doesn't... 2 1/2 weeks until 5th grade is over... not getting into the school we wanted, and trying to figure out how to tell Delaynie... still have no idea where my work mail is getting delivered to...working 2 days a week from home... unless we have shows to cut... then I come in to work but have nowhere to work... a brand new floor in my downstairs, which looks amazingly AWESOME...now if we only had furniture to go on top of it... on a plane at 6am Friday morning... haven't even thought about packing... can't really pack until I go shopping for a new dress... planning a college graduation party from 700 miles away... confusing the Music Fest spreadsheets with the new studio spreadsheets... grey means live and black means WHAT?... blogs backlogging... lost permission slips... no place for the intern to work... just 11 more school days to get through... 5th grade teachers might all survive... 11 more days to stay away from 5th grade teachers... desparately need a hair cut but I can't find my hairdresser's phone number...first time in 14 years I'm going to have a Mother's Day Weekend with all three of my children... assuming I eventually find a suitcase...



Anonymous said...

Only 11 days of school left????? YIKES. My brats have 23 days left.

Anonymous said...

My God it seems like it's taking them forever to get those studios done.....too bad about the school, hope Delaynie isn't too upset when you tell her.....what kind of floor did you put down?.....that's so great about your Mothers Day!:)

Jona said...

Sorry to hear you didn't get into the school you wanted.
School isn't finished here until June the 20th. So that gives the kids around 30 more days left.
Enjoy you Mothers Day with all your kids!! :)

Paula said...

Okay, breathe!!! That's what I have to keep telling myself. I have been losing or misplacing things for the last couple of months, some of which I've found in the oddest of places. I'm sure everything will work out in the end.

Too bad about the school, but maybe there's still hope and something will change at the 11th hour.

Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend with your brood.


Anonymous said...

You know what, you get to spend Mother's Day with all of them!!! Yeay!!!

I went to sooo many schools when I was young... in the end I'm not sure it mattered. Delaynie will be fine no matter where she goes. :)

Anonymous said...

Well if nothing else - at least you get to have a great day with your kiddos on Sunday! Enjoy it!

Hopefully life will slow down for you soon!


Producer J. said...

Well technically I won't have them all on Sunday - Mother's DAY... but some of them. We'll all be together Fri & part of Sat. Which is more than I've ever had before.

We'll be one child short on actual Mother's Day (he has to go to a wedding in another state on Sat.) But we'll be with Dave & Jen on Sunday.

Jennifer said...

Okay, reading that I feel the same way.. can I try.

have weddings to edit, clients to call, house is a mess, the dog is sick, I need to get more clients, I need to work on adversting, I moved my office and I can't find anything, where does time go its 2 already, Cebastian wants me.. gotta go.. help

Producer J. said...

Take comfort in knowing you don't have to take care of your mother's zoo?

Umm... except Saturday. That one's all you. :-D

Jennifer said...

that is why I love Delaynie :)

Anonymous said...

Just for the record, you should never EVER refer to your children as "brats"... that's just not nice.