Anyone who knows me know I hate having my picture taken. It's pointless, because I'm never happy with the end result, so why bother wasting everyone's time?
Alas... the powers that be decreed that I needed to have a photo on the xm page
to go with my bio. So today, with about 24 hours notice, all of the XM Nashville staff did a photo shoot.
The grief and agony caused by just THINKING about doing this was enough for me to decide 10 times over I wasn't going to do it. Guys - and I work with 3 of them - have it easy. Hmm... which shirt to wear - brown or blue? (2 brown, 1 blue on this shoot). If they really put some effort into it, they had their wife iron it for them.
For me... not so easy. I hate my hair style of the moment (although I love the color!) so there was the "Hair Up?" or "Hair Down?" Decision. (Down.) Jewlery is a tough one for me, and I spent a lot of time wrestling with "Do I wear a choker over the gash across my neck or do I photoshop it out later?" (Choker.) But most horrible was the "What in the heck do I wear?" decision.
I have been accused... of having an entire closet full of brown and black. I was determined I wasn't going to wear either for the pictures. I went to 3 different stores looking for something red that DIDN'T look like Christmas but WAS something that I'd actually wear in real life. No luck. Tried on 10 or more outfits back at home, completely tearing apart my closet.
The end result? Black. I know... you're shocked. But at least it matched my hair.
We did have some really neat settings for the pictures, which we shot at the Hall of Fame. Jon's was particularly cool. I'll let you know when they go up online - I should get them back Monday.
I have a feeling that no one but me and the photographer will ever see the ones of me. Which is good - no one will know I was wearing the same jacket I'm wearing in the picture with Vince.
The photographer, by the way, was Alan Mayor, who's shot SO many events in Country Music History - from Garth flying over Texas Stadium to Tim and Faith's wedding. There are several of his pictures (Tim, Dixie Chicks, and the famous Garth picture) blown up lifesize in the Hall of Fame. I'm confident that mine won't wind up there.