Thursday, December 28, 2006

My 2007 Resolutions

1. Everyone has the diet thing on their list, so I might as well get it out of the way first. There needs to be a few pounds less of me.

2. Update my resume and make a resume tape.

3. Change my expectations of others. If I've learned ANYTHING over the past year, it's that a leopard doesn't change it's spots. At least not for me. Or maybe especially not for me.

4. Scrapbooking. *sigh* Let's not expound upon how far behind I am here, ok?

5. Home improvements in 2007 = Home for sale in 2008


7. Volunteer more. I'm a slacker of a webmistress and I really miss working with Room in the Inn.

8. Stress less. Accomplishing 1-6 above will help that a lot.

9. Run a 5k. I'm walking one next month with Delaynie, but that doesn't count. I expect the humiliation of my 46 year old husband doing one first is going to be good motivation.

10. Find Michele. I miss her.

Your turn.


Anonymous said...

If you cut your hair you'll lose a few pounds. Otherwise, you don't have any place to lose them from!!! :P

Anonymous said...

I just have two resolutions, and one that is to loose some more weight. Like everybody else.. ;) But I gained a lot when I quit smoking, and I am on my way back to the weight I had before.
The second one is to save money for a USA trip.

Anonymous said...

anonymous there is me.. sorry,

Pam said...

The only resolution I have right now is not to listen to the Dixie Chicks show. LOL

Producer J. said...

I am actually planning to cut my hair before my big trip. Is my hairdresser in town before then?

One bottle of hair coloring will get me next time, for sure! :-D

DaveBrz said...

One of mine should be stop spending so much money going to concerts that require an overnight stay.

Oh wait, that will have to wait until after next weekend after my trip to Nashville.

Producer J. said...

That's a good resolution for Sandi too!

Actually she just needs to resolve to move to Nashville. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I like travelling, I like concerts... why not combine them? ;-)

Nashville before your big trip? Will have to look into that!