Thursday, November 08, 2007

Sappy late night ramblings

You know how something just feel like they're meant to be... and some things... not so much?

I'm really thinking my trip to KC this weekend is not meant to be.

I originally planned the trip as a cool way to hang out with my family, living under some crazy pipe dream that I might be able to get my kids and my siblings in the same place at the same time. Some day I'll learn the boundry between J's Perfect World and Reality. So I wound up getting nosebleed seats to Saturday's show to be able to take my kids, and felt lucky to just get in the building. But the closer it gets, the more I think I'm better just staying home.

For starters, I'm still drowning at work, failing miserably on launching a Christmas channel that goes online Monday and on the bird the following Monday. I really need to spend the weekend creating production for the channel, so I can do pesky things like... logs. My programming philosophy is that radio sounds better with sound coming through the speakers...

My husband, I recently learned, has a district training seminar on Saturday. He has these probably 3 times a year, and I swear, I've never yet been in town for one. In the meantime, my daughter has a major school project due next week that she hasn't even started because mommy hasn't been around to assist. And let's not even discuss how long it's been since I've vacuumed my carpet.

Did I mention I have a houseful of people for Thanksgiving? When am I gonna clean? If I was going for just one night, it would be one thing. But to be gone for two?

I think the best thing to do is probably take Monday off like I've already scheduled, but stay home and clean, pay the overdue bills, and schedule the appointments I haven't had time to make (like Delaynie's eye doctor, and all my pets' vet appointments.)

*sigh* Gotta decide by tomorrow, so I can FedEx tickets to my kids.

You know... as long as I'm being all weepy and sappy here (blame the lack of sleep) I gotta tell you... every single time I hear Trisha talk about Taylor, August and Allie, it about sends me to tears. I read the cut by cut of her new album and read the words "having three daughters" and I just lost it. I love hearing her talk about being a stepmother. And I love her for being the complete opposite of the wicked stepmother image that Disney forces us to combat.

Someday, when I'm less weepy, I'll tell you about Delaynie and the Wicked Stepmother story.

In my world... when you love someone... you love the people they love too. It's a pretty simple theory, really. It shouldn't matter whether someone comes into the family because they married into it, they were born into it, adopted into it, or their parent married into it.

Blood is thicker than water
Oh but love is thicker than blood
Garth had a really interesting quote in our interview with him, where he talked about Sandy and Trisha and the girls. He said "it's pretty interesting what family turns out to be."

I don't think anyone grows up hoping to some day fall in love with someone who had children with someone else. But thankfully - some of us do.

Don't forget Highway 16 ShortCuts with Trisha Yearwood - Friday at 6pm ET on Highway 16.


Unknown said...

awww J. You made me weepy with that.

And I think you answered your own question with this...

"it's pretty interesting what family turns out to be."

Meaning - GO! Be with your family. I do understand your obligations, and life just won't let up sometimes. The work will still be there, but you can get thru it by being on a high from your family. All of your families... garth & trisha family included.

But seriously - the right answer will show itself to you.

(and I'm biased cuz I want to hang out with you, but beyond that... :) Although you really shouldn't listen to me since I haven't packed! ).

p.s. I absolutely LOVE that quote. I've never considered family to be blood. Family is love.

Hang in there...

Anonymous said...

No one deserves to get away more than you do, J. Sure, you were here for one night, but that was work. Hang out with family and friends, have some more of that peach stuff you left, and go back and tackle all that stuff on Monday. Plus you can make fun of how little voice I have left. :)

Anonymous said...

Go to the concert this weekend and spend time with your family. Life is too short to spend it all on work and sometimes getting away will help you deal with the stressful things in life. Go,go,go!

Mary Ann

Unknown said...

Love this entry J. I completely agree. I grew up with a mom and stepmom who absolutely hated each other from the age of 12 and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. In fact, I found out after the fact that they actually got into it at my wedding reception! So I totally respect the way Trisha and Sandy and Garth are handling the situation and putting the girls first before anything else. And anytime I read something with Trisha talking about the girls and being a stepmom, I just think it is the sweetest thing ever. I also read the cut by cut thing and thought that was really sweet. It is so wonderful how they all get along and turned into one crazy happy family. Gotta respect that.

And hang in there! Just enjoy being with your family and try not to stress too much over work. I would go - getting away might help you relax and destress.

Anonymous said...

Been there done that(both ways), it's a tough call. Just don't second guess yourself.....I won't get from work in time to hear Short Cuts today, will have to catch a rerun.

Anonymous said...

I married a 'package' deal; the ex was really hateful at first, and her Mum even moreso. Our son chose to come live with us as he was so tired of her constantly trashing his Dad.

Finally I sat her down and we had a very frank discussion on what she was doing to the kids, and things smoothed out after that.

Main said...

I hope you made a decision that gave you some peace of mind J.

Try to enjoy yourself, no matter what you are doing! :)