Tuesday, January 15, 2008

All is Well...

I've had a couple of "are you ok?" inquiries. It's nice to be missed. :-) Thank you.

All is well... I have a houseguest at the moment, and our computer is in the guest room. So I'm busy helping her look for a job AND not staying up till all hours of the night typing.

Ahead this week I've got a Driver's Ed taping... a Crook & Chase taping... Charlie Daniels' Opry Induction... and some TV ramblings that I've blogged in my head. So when I do get back you probably won't be able to shut me up.

Enjoy the silence while it lasts. :-D

I did have a visitor from Poland the other day. (Visiting the blog, not my guest room.) He/She got here accidentally from Googling something else, but that was kind of exciting.



Anonymous said...

Someone's looking for a job in Nashville... and it's not me?? :o :p

Miss you!

Main said...

Glad to see you are alright, J. Good luck with the job search for your friend. And I am looking forward to you going back to posting more again.


Jona said...

Glad to see you again. :) I hope your friend finds a nice job. looking forward to hear everything you have blogged in your head.

Producer J. said...

Not yet Sandi... ;-)

But you know her! It's Ashley, my former intern.

Paula said...

Glad to hear it's not stress and overwork that's keeping you from blogging. I check in a couple times a day waiting to see something new. Will wait patiently for what you can share on the C&C taping.

Good luck with the job hunt!


Anonymous said...

Oh yeay! Hope she finds something. :D