Monday, January 08, 2007

I stressed over THAT?

Oh my gosh... I'm laughing until I'm crying. Although the tears are real.

ALL of that stress over what to wear for my XM photos... how best to cover the scar on my neck... was I showing too much cleavage... which angle to stand so I looked thinner...and LOOK at how much of it they used:
Edit: A week or so after I posted this I found someone to back it off for me. Told him the XM Nation doesn't need to be THAT close to me.

I could have been naked and it wouldn't have mattered. Here's what I sent them, in which I was very much dressed.

While you're checking out that page... take a minute to read my bio - which I wrote about 5 years ago, Jon's bio - which I wrote about 2 years ago,and Jay Thomas's bio on the Highway 16 page, which I had nothing to do with. See if you can find the common denominator.


Anonymous said...

Gee, that common denominator wouldn't happen to be Garth, would it?

Great's about time you had one on the XM site.


Producer J. said...

ding ding ding! we have a winner.

When I wrote Jon's I never gave any thought to it ever appearing anywhere that mine was, not that I'd have written either of them differently. And in this case, it fits the era of the channel perfectly. But I thought it was funny that he popped up in Jay's too. :-D

Unknown said...

Oh the G-Man... he's everywhere while being nowhere... how does he do that? :)

Great pic though... albeit all kinds of cropped. ;)

Anonymous said...

It hurts to see anyone else on that page with you.

Sharon said...

Love the picture - love the bio!

Anonymous said...

Wow, great pic J.

Anonymous said...

Great pic!!

Producer J. said...

Hmm... anonymous compliments at 1 in the morning...

I'll have some of what they're drinkin!
