Monday, August 13, 2007

Early to Bed... Early to Rise...

.... confuses the hell out of a night owl like me!

Today was the first day of school. Excuse me.. the first day of MIDDLE SCHOOL. So in addition to living a good 10 minutes farther away from Delaynie's school, she also starts 15 minutes earlier than last year. All of which means, the rooster crows, and I'm out of bed. Ugh. Hoping the earlier start means I'll be getting out of the studio earlier in the day, thereby saving on the cost of after school child care.

However, with not having internet at the house yet, I'm not up all night on the computer either. Last night I was in bed by 10:30, which is kind of crazy for me. And Gary hung make shift curtains over the bedroom windows so it's a little darker in there, and I actually got a little sleep last night. Cool!

Lots of questions coming in about Garth's project... do you mean to tell me his official website isn't keeping you informed? (she says with a smart-ass twang...) Seriously... to not have updated your website since October is ridiculous, I don't care who you are. The fans deserve better than that. In fact, that may be my first question for the G-man. "Are you going to do a decent website, or do I need to go back to doing one for you?"

Anyway... much of the info I have was given off the record, I've seen a bunch of stuff in print, a bunch of speculation, and a bunch of grumbling already. There will be a ton of info coming soon - and I'll share when I can. I did want to clarify though this talk of there being a Press Conference. It's really not.

What IS going on is a couple days of seminars, Q&A sessions and PARTIES for radio. You're not going to hear when and where from me, because I know there are people (and some of you know them!) who would fly in and crash the event. This event is only for radio to my knowlege - not the general press, so I don't expect there to be any newspaper / television. Although it wouldn't surprise me to see CMT Insider or Storme's crew at some point. He's flying in radio people from all across the country for these soirees in an attempt to clarify all questions, hear the new music, and of course, party! And yes I say "he" because there's no way his new record label has the budget they're spending on all this airfare, food, and hotel for this multi-day extravaganza.

Read into all of the above whatever you choose, but it tells me is that someone is very VERY determined to make himself a radio comeback, and that same someone has the money to make it happen.


Anonymous said...

Stop making me laugh out loud at work!!! :P

Glad you're back. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back. Also, glad to know you had some relaxing down time.

Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back! Always enjoy reading your blogs. And thanks for sharing some of your G-Man info. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Can't wait to hear your report of the Garth radio days.

Skywise said...

joyce- very nice to see you back here! great blog entry- loved the subtle humor, and the information! God bless!

Scott (looking forward to any new news!)

Unknown said...

Welcome back, girl... glad to see you had some time away after your frustrating few weeks. :)

Anonymous said...

I do so enjoy your writings.

Can't believe Delaynie is in Middle School. Time goes so fast and before you know it they are all grown up. Glad you could take time to relax and enjoy your family.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear you had a good vacation away from it all....I'm sure you definitely needed it!

Glad you're back and I knew you'd have some info on Garth...thanks!

Sharon said...

Glad you're back! Hope you enjoyed your vacation. We missed ya!