Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Treading Water

For the past couple of weeks, when ever anyone asked the casual "how's it going, how are ya" type of questions my answer has been "I'm drowning."

This happens to me every year about this time... 4th quarter album releases, CMA's, holidays. Not enough hours in the day. We taped 8 shows in the 7 days since I came back from Illinois. Add a dumb-ass wisdom tooth and redneck neighbors with guns to the mix, and I've been sinking fast.

(Thanks for the good thoughts, by the way. I'm told the eviction process has begun.)

After we got the last show taped Monday, I got a bit of a breather. Big weight off my shoulders. No immediate writing deadline to cram for. Then I got to work on Tuesday and realized those shows needed to now be edited. Some of them needed production created. One of them still needs the other half to eventually be written. We won't even talk about the Christmas channel I'm supposed to be working on. I was taking in water at a rapid rate.

We have two locations here in Nashville... the "Fast" studio -- 2 work spaces -- and the "Slow" studio -- 3 work spaces -- that get rotated amongst a total of 7 bodies. I'm supposed to be at the "Fast" studio 3 days a week, but with all these tapings at remote locations, I've not been there in days. And my productivity shows it.

In one of my more panicked moments I was frantically searching for cheap fares to D.C. It would be worth it to me to fly up for the day and get these long form shows built at the super fast Mother Ship so that I could reclaim a little bit of my home life, which has been completely non-existant (as my daughter frequently reminds me). I didn't find anything in my budget... but I haven't given up yet.

But glory hallelujah -- Today, I got an entire day at the Fast studio! I got more done in 7 1/2 hours than I'd gotten done in the past 7 days. On my 13 item to do list, I got 11 of them done. Trisha is completely edited, Garth is loaded in, LBT is partially edited (file had gotten corrupted at the other studio, or it would be done too), I got logs scheduled, sweepers produced, promos extracted and lots of stuff activated. I even did research for a tourist that just had to know about a song she heard sung on the Grand Ole Opry the previous night.

So anyway, I'm very VERY excited about the progress I made today -- and about all this AMAZING programming that's coming down the pike for you.

Woo hoo -- I'm treading water! By Monday, I just might be swimming!


Anonymous said...

Glad you got a lot done today....Something must be in the air...I actually moved enough paper today to see the top of my desk, now to the stacks on the floor....we just have to keep on kicking

Anonymous said...

Wow! You're one busy lady. Thanks for taking time to keep us up to speed on all the latest GB/TY stuff.

Main said...

*throws Joyce a floatie*

I hope you'll be swimming soon.

Anonymous said...

I can commiserate with you. ;)

I'm glad that you were able to get a little caught up. It's too bad
XM isn't giving you the tools to get your job done more efficiently. Maybe with the merger coming up, things might change and you'll get the equipment you need. How's that coming, by the way...haven't seen anything lately and a friend is waiting for the dust to settle before going satellite.

In the meantime, breathe.

...and what about that wisdom tooth. Have you been to the dentist to have it taken care of?


Anonymous said...

When do you move into your new digs? That's going to be so cool! :) Too bad coming to DC didn't happen though.